Saturday 5 September 2015

The Grand Canyon

On our way back from Utah to Phoenix we decided to swing by the Grand Canyon to see what all the fuss was about.  We camped in one of the many campgrounds that dot the south rim of the Grand Canyon for one night and explored a little bit.  We walked a little ways down into the canyon, but not very far since we were still recovering from backpacking in Utah.  It was indeed a beautiful spot, quite surreal to stand at the top of the canyon looking down.  That being said, the south rim was a bit of a commercialized tourist trap, and I much preferred being in the smaller but no less spectacular canyonlands of Utah away from the masses.

I saw a few interesting birds while I was there including Zone-tailed Hawk, Rock Wren and Western Tanager.  No California Condors unfortunately!

Zone-tailed Hawk - note how similar it is in profile and tone to the Turkey Vulture below.

Turkey Vulture

Rock Wren

Pygmy Nuthatch

Pygmy Nuthatchs

Pygmy Nuthatchs

Western Tanager
I saw this little gem on one of the signs in the Grand Canyon, poor guy, that's a lot of fluids to lose!